Below is a structured yoga flow for football players to include in their warm-ups. Football requires an intense amount of running, pivoting, and full-body action. By incorporating this yoga flow pre-exertion, you are setting your body up for success.
Prior to completing these stretches, be sure that you have conducted at least 10 minutes of a dynamic stretch to allow ample time for blood flow.
Sets x Reps | Pose / Stretch |
4 x 20 Seconds | Downward Dog |
4 x 20 Seconds | Low Lunge Right Side |
4 x 20 Seconds | Low Lunge Left Side |
The first set of stretches include a flow of Downward Dog with Low Lunges on both sides of the body. You will superset all three exercises. Meaning perform these three exercises back to back with minimal time in between.
Downward Dog with Lunge
- Start in a Downward Dog position and pump your calves/ankles back and forth, reaching your heels to the ground for 20 seconds.
- You will then step your right foot in-between your hands, bringing your torso up high and into a low lunge for 20 seconds, breathing deeply.
- Repeat with the left side of the body and complete 4 rounds total.
Muscles Engaged
Triangle pose helps target the legs, opens the chest and lengthens the spine. Since runners and football players tend to round their shoulders, this is a great opener. Dolphin pose targets the low back, feet and shoulders.
Sets x Reps | Pose / Stretch |
4 x 20 Seconds | Triangle Pose (Each Side) |
4 x 20 Seconds | Dolphin Pose |
You will first conduct 4 sets of 20 seconds of triangle pose each side, then move to dolphin pose.
Triangle Pose
- Start by stepping your feet wide apart, about 4 to 5 feet. Check to ensure that your heels are aligned with each other.
- Turn one of your feet to a 90 degree angle and the opposite foot slightly turned inward if needed.
- Raise your arms to the side and straighten both arms. Inhale to lengthen your spine and exhale to tilt your spine over your foot that is turned 90 degrees. Support your bottom hand on your shin if needed.
- Keep your spine long, legs straight and core tight.
- Hold for 20 seconds and repeat.
Dolphin Pose
- Begin on your hands and knees. Come to a downward dog position.
- Then, walk your feet up towards your shoulders and bring your forearms to the floor.
- Draw your shoulder blades in, press away from the ground, and keep your core tight.
- Hold for 20 seconds and repeat.
Muscles Engaged
This stretch provides extension of the hip flexors, adductors, quads and glutes, which are the powerhouses for high intensity running.
Sets x Reps | Pose / Stretch |
2 Sets | Garland (Squat) Pose |
2 x 10 Reaches | Reach Right Side |
2 x 10 Reaches | Reach Left Side |
The second set of stretches include the Garland (Squat) Pose with alternating reaches on right and left sides.
Garland Pose with Reach
- Stand with your feet wider than your hips, heels in, toes out.
- Take the position of a deep squat, keeping your knees wider than your chest.
- Bring your palms together in front of your chest and push your knees into your elbows, lengthening your spine and lifting your chest away from your hips.
- Once you are in the squat, put one hand on the ground in-between your legs and reach the other into the air, twisting your torso slightly, while lengthening.
- Repeat on the other side.
- Continue this for 2 sets, alternating with a total of 10 reaches each side.
Muscles Engaged:
The goal of this stretch is to release tension in your hips, low back and adductors to increase flexibility.